About Us - Our Consultants

Our Consultants

At LearnIVF.com our intention is to provide the most advanced and up to date training in the practical application of IVF science. Our main centre is fully equipped with the latest technology. The training course leaders are amongst the most renowned embryologists, andrologists, biologists, reproductive endocrinologists and other experts in assisted reproductive techniques.

Dr. Brian Dale

Brian Dale graduated in Biology from the University of Manchester, U.K and later received his Ph.D. and subsequently his D.Sc. for his contribution to the understanding of basic processes in fertilization and early embryology. In 2010 he was nominated Fellow of the Royal College of pathologists in London, UK. Dr Dale is attributed with the discovery in 1983 of a soluble factor found in spermatozoa that is responsible for the activation of oocytes. His studies span animals and humans from the identification of ion channels in the plasma membrane of gametes to the processes leading to the formation of the human blastocyst. With over 140 publications in international journals and 7 books on the topic, he is also founder and Editor of The International Journal Zygote published by Cambridge University Press.

Professor Yves Menezo

Yves Menezo was born in Algeria and raised in France where he received his Ph.D. in 1971 and his D.Sc. in 1979. Owing to his extensive experience and varied academic posts he is considered « the biochemist » of early human development. For many years he acted as Head of Department for the Internationally renowned Laboratoire Marcel Meriuex in Lyon and also covered the role of Associate professor in the Dept of Animal Sciences at the Louisiana State University in the USA. Anybody who has been involved in human reproductive biology over the last three decades and had a query, or needed clarification, about biochemical pathways involved in the development of the human embryo would invariably ask Yves. In addition to his immense knowledge, Yves was the first to formulate and produce a commercial tissue culture medium used to grow early human embryos. Menezo set the standards and created the basis for all tissue culture medium that is used today in human IVF. His research, published in over 300 scientific papers, spans basic biochemical pathways in human embryos, through molecular mechanisms of zygote transition, to repair processes in human gametes and embryos. Yves has many patents in human IVF and in 2004 was nominated a Laureate of the French Academy of Medicine.

Mr. Bill Smith

He is recognised worldwide for his pioneering work in developing transvaginal ultrasound scanning in particular which has proved so crucial in fertility and IVF treatments.  He has continued to be very instrumental in further developing 2D and 3D ultrasound technologies as part of improving preliminary investigation and providing more effective monitoring of treatment cycles.  His work has been recognised by relevant professional bodies and leading ultrasound manufacturers.  Bill remains an established international speaker in key areas of women’s healthcare and reproductive medicine.

Professor Raj Rai

Raj Rai, is a Consultant Gynaecologist and Sub Specialist in Reproductive Medicine and Surgery based at St Mary’s Hospital, London. He has a long standing clinical and research interest in recurrent miscarriage and in implantation failure following IVF and lectures extensively both nationally and internationally. Raj is co-author of the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists guidelines on the Management of Recurrent miscarriage and the Scientific Opinion Paper on Reproductive Immunology.

Doctor Kay Elder

Following a medical degree at Cambridge University and postdoctoral research at Cancer Research UK, Dr. Kay Elder started her career in Reproductive Medicine at Bourn Hall Clinic, where she gained more than 30 years experience, initially working under the guidance of the IVF pioneers Mr Patrick Steptoe and Sir Robert Edwards. As Director of Continuing Education at Bourn Hall, from 1989 onwards she organised and taught courses and workshops in all aspects of assisted reproductive technology. After initiating a Master’s degree programme in Clinical Embryology at the Danube University of Krems, she helped to found and direct a distance-learning MSc in Clinical Embryology at the University of Leeds. She has authored and co-authored seven textbooks for students, as well as numerous publications in the field. In her current role as Senior Research Scientist at Bourn Hall, she is responsible for co-ordinating research projects with collaborating Centres in London and Cambridge.

Dr. Warren Leigh

Course Manager - Dr. Leigh obtained his PhD from Cranfield University in the United Kingdom. He is responsible for the orgainising of the Courses offered, the contents and structure which reflects the Professional practice in the CFA – IVF Centre.  ( +447980545231 )

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